The First Foot Step

The year was 1986…..The seed of social consciousness that his mother Smt.Velammal had sown in the mind of Shri. M.V Muthuramalingam, Founder Chairman of  Velammal Educational Trust,when he was of impressionable age, was now germinating and sprouting the out come – establishing Velammal Matriculation School at Chennai with a strength of only 183 students and 13 staff members. As the years passed, the strength of the school grew and so did its reputation. The need for more Institutions arose. Thus the name and works of Velammal Group of Institutions spread far and wide.

Chairman’s Message

Shri. M.V. Muthuramalingam


Velammal Educational Trust

It is indeed a privilege in addressing you. Yet another year has passed and we have crossed some more milestones. At every step we had the support and motivation provided by the confident parents, dedicated teachers and committed students. Today, Velammal group of institutions is growing from the strength to strength with ethical professional practices and is recognized as a reputed name in education. In all these years of experience, I learnt one very simple yet very significant lesson. The need of the society is like an ocean and the service we render are mere drops. So I am now determined to add as many drops as I can and say to myself with contentment, I tried my best.

Today, my vision is set on raising the stature of ‘ Velammal to a University ’, by establishing more Schools, Engineering colleges, Professional and Medical Institutions in the state and country. The task is arduous and the path grueling but I have two things going for me. One my mother’s words of motivation and other the society’s unstinted support.

Velammal Group

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